Friday, November 12, 2010

Invisible Evidence

Most readers for Embrace the Grace know that although I am an ordained minister, I seldom ever use this venue for "sermonesque" writing. However............... What I read this morning gave me such encouragement that I couldn't possibly keep it just for myself!

For personal devotions I like to use assigned reading like a One Year Bible or the Chronological Bible. That way when I happen to read a timely scripture that applies to my situation right now, I know it's from the Lord and not a message I've fabricated. Anyway........

This morning I read: "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." And my first response was - "Yeah, I know. And I'm trying, Lord. I'm really trying!" (Thank you for not being shocked nor appalled by this confession of faithlessness. Smile.)

Out of habit I read on through Hebrews 11. And slowly I began to be aware of how many times "sight" and "visible" and "looking" and "saw" and other such words are used in those few short verses.

That's when I thought of all those crime scene shows that are so popular now. ("What?! Where is she going?" you ask. Stick with me, this is good stuff!) I can't watch those shows because they're just too realistic for me. But Frank and the girls tell me about different episodes all the time.

It seems that a crime takes place and this team swoops in to investigate and you (the viewer) are carried along vicariously with them over the next hour as they solve the seemingly unsolvable mystery of how the crime was committed. (Long sentence - short synopsis. Smile.)

I've been told that the best shows are those with star characters who have an uncanny ability to spot the evidence that everyone else overlooks. (Personally, I've always thought Colombo was the very best at this - right by himself and without a team. I couldn't understand why Peter Falk was never given a series. But what do I know, I'm 52?!)

So, the key point with these shows is that success comes to those with eyes to see evidence that is invisible to everyone else! (Are you starting to s.e.e. the sermon here?)

The answer is there right from the start of the show, they just haven't seen it yet.

So actually, the format for C.S.I. comes straight from the life of Abraham: he started walking toward his "answer" even though at the start, he couldn't begin to see where he was going nor how he would get there.

I took a moment to list major categories of miracles we've experienced in our own family. Miracles involving everything from health to clothing to vehicles to housing! The list was extensive!! And with each miracle that I recounted, my faith grew some more regarding the issue that currently seems impossible in my life.

While writing to you today, I see absolutely no clues indicating a way for this miracle to take place - the solution is currently invisible. But God knew that I needed to choose to look with eyes that see. I need to review evidence that points to the truth - He is faithful; I can trust Him!

My miracle answer is here; I just haven't seen it yet.

(This is where a lot of church people would be tempted to shout out, "AMEN!" Smile.)

I'd love to hear about your "Miracle List" once you've compiled it. Hope you have a wonderful day looking around with eyes that see the evidence that is invisible to everyone else!

