Friday, February 18, 2011

Miracle Zone

Dear Friends, how I miss writing to you! And as our under-thirties say around here, "That's REAL!" Smile.

I mentioned in passing that Spencer's arrival has totally upended our lives - true; definitely true.

But we also have several additional events; studies to write; conferences to attend, plan, execute; unscheduled emergencies....... (Wait, is it possible to schedule emergencies? Yeah, I didn't think so!) Well, you get the idea.

This weekend we're hosting a conference which we believe represents a pivotal moment of growth for our church. And while we are extremely excited, we are also a bit anxious.

(I know, I know. "Be anxious for nothing....." I'm working on that too, okay?! Smile.)

And in the midst of all this controlled chaos, I find that my alone time and recreational writing times have gotten pretty pinched! Sigh.

So this morning, during the twenty minutes I've snatched for this purpose (which I'm also using to sit outside and relish the sunrise) I have a statement to share.

I am in the middle of watching for a miracle!

In fact, our entire family is praying and watching and rehearsing Scripture promises and believing God together for this miracle.

"What might this miracle be?" you may ask.

"Who will this miracle affect?" you may wonder.

"Is it really of 'miracle' proportion; or simply something that would make life a little better?" you may ponder.

Well, let me assure you, this is indeed one of those Red Sea-Parting; Blind Eyes-Seeing; Quail and Manna-Providing type of moments for us.

You know, one of those times in your life when you've done everything you know to do. You've obeyed every scriptural mandate. Responded to every prompting that makes no sense whatsoever but you know it's what you're supposed to do. Searched you heart. Your spouse's heart. Your children's hearts. Even the heart of your neighbor.

Now, it's up to God!

I came to that simple understanding earlier this morning while reading Psalm 37. And believe it or not, I had to laugh out loud. Just Gracie, Bella, the Lord and me sitting quietly, reading His promises.

There it was: "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed."

(Now you know why I was able to laugh.)

Frank and I have been here many times through our years of ministry together. We have come to affectionately refer to this spot as "THE MIRACLE ZONE"!! (Please read that again with appropriate reverberation sounds. Smile.)

I would imagine that you've been here too.

Isn't it always amazing how God shows up?! We have experienced some of the most incredible miracle moments through the years. But one thing is certain for each of those.

You must be standing in the Miracle Zone (the place where you have absolutely no possible way to make something happen on your own) in order to experience a miracle.

We've come to view this as both an amazing and exciting moment - the moment just before a miracle takes place. (My sister says our Miracle Zone moments give her heartburn! Smile.)

While I can't reveal to you exactly what we're watching for, I can tell you this. You will know the details as soon as they come about! Remember that I'm a strong believer in the truth: joy shared is multiplied.

Besides, God gets all the praise from these moments and people come to understand how much He cares for us every one.

So, here's to watching, waiting and expecting..........


  1. Now you've just got me excited! I know that place...the one where I'm done doing...nothing left to do...did all I know to do...actually, that place is quite restful! I can't help but put "Miracle Zone" into the song "Highway to the Danger Zone" (loved the movie, "Top Gun")!

    Thanks for lighting my face with a smile today,Sheri!

  2. Well whatever your watching for, we are standing with you and know this......He will come because He promised. All of His promises are yes and Amen. We love and appriciate you and your family.

