Friday, March 18, 2011

Three for the Price of One

So many things I'd love to share with you today.

Pondering. Pondering. Pondering. Which topic should I talk about?

Our wedding venue search?
Meagan is diligently searching on land, sea and sky (that would be 'on-line') for the perfect location.

Her heart's desire is an outdoor ceremony to be followed by the party of the century. This young lady has laughed her way through most of her twenty-three years - both good and bad. And she wants the reception to fully reflect that.

Must say that as the M.O.B., I took great delight in Nathan's response yesterday when she asked him to join her in checking out a potential site.

He walked beside her offering genuine interest in what couldn't have interested him less. Shaking hands, nodding, asking questions, making eye contact. No sighing, no moaning, no impatient tapping.

Only after we left did I learn that he had passed up time with a buddy to accompany his little sweetheart. Ah, young love. That kind of unselfish love really WILL last a lifetime!

Our upcoming "Friend's Day" at GGC?
This Sunday will be our annual Friend's Day at Garden Grove Church and we have been scurrying to get things ready. Thankfully rain is not in the forecast.

But our church family continues to grow.

So new questions arise: Where do we stage the fabulous food our ladies are famous for? Where do we seat everyone? What games will we have? Where do we park everyone? Are there enough name tags? Do we have enough tents for outside? Is everyone ready to "show themselves friendly"?

Good problems to solve!

The drain dilemma?
Funny little story.

I've confessed that I am an unorganized house keeper. But I am NOT nasty! There is a HUGE difference!

We spent two days this week trying to determine the origination point of a terrible smell emanating from the garbage disposal. It sounded very much as though the disposal (which is new) had ceased operating.

I poured bleach! I used baking soda! I scrubbed, scoured, and scowled.......all to no avail!

The odor laughed at my futile attempts to eradicate it. And it even went so far as to begin to invade the air space around the entire sink area!

"Stupid, faulty disposal," I complained to all who would listen.

That's when Frank got involved.

We came home from church Wednesday night, exhausted but determined. That odor was going down! (Pun totally intended! Smile.)

Frank took stock of the situation in typical male fashion. He poked. He prodded. He tested said disposal. He sniffed. He snorted at the clear and present danger!

And in one fell swoop - he identified the source of the trouble, conquered said trouble and gloried in the cheering of his thankful and adoring wife.

(Ummm. Seems the smell wasn't coming from the disposal at all. It was actually something in the drain of the other sink. I hadn't even considered that. [Insert sheepish grin.] Quick use of a simple, chemical free cleaner took care of everything. Thank the Lord for spouses who think outside the box!)

Application of the preceding story?

Very often the problems of our lives may be originating from a source we haven't previously considered.

I was ready to remove the new garbage disposal because I couldn't imagine such an odor coming from anywhere else!

Sometimes we need to allow a friend to examine our trouble and lovingly offer a different perspective from the one we've been touting.

Maybe the anger and frustration you've been carrying around aren't the result of that boss or co-worker. It may not even be the fault of a family member.

As a friend, may I lovingly suggest another perspective? Look inside.

Allow the One who knows us best to use His powerful cleansers to get rid of any odoriferous elements we've been hiding. Spring is a great time for purging our hearts too!

Well, look. I've hit all three topics I was pondering in one post. Thanks for stopping by - blessings for your week-end!

