Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Wonder of It All

April must be my favorite month of the year - after December, of course.

And I love when Easter falls in April; because that puts my favorite holiday in conjunction with my favorite month. Resplendent! Smile.

I wish it were possible to escort each of you (two at a time) on to my back patio. It's still cool enough in the early mornings to feel fresh. And the evenings are currently lighted by a fabulous full moon!

Our fountain/fish pond bubbles lightly over the rocks; some of which came from NC. And the koi finally know that only short people who peer over the edge will try to catch them.

So when I come out just after dawn, they all swim eagerly to the surface. It's as close as fish can come to begging. Smile. I can't resist and toss in a handful of their food. They gulp the pellets greedily and clear the surface like tiny vacuum cleaners.

Then yesterday, the gardenia bush we planted five years ago began its spring time bloom! Brilliant white flowers will cover the entire thing by Sunday. And their fragrance combines with the light bouquet of our blooming jasmine to create a fabulous perfume we enjoy day and night.

I'm especially thrilled that our passion vine has exploded with new growth. Fifteen or twenty blooms are entertaining us during Passion Week. If you've never seen passion flowers you should take a moment to google them.

My mom was so pleased with herself when she finally coaxed one into blooming. I was just a teen-ager but I remember her excitement as she called me onto the porch to see the three tiny blossoms.

"Look, Sheri! It's the Gospel in a flower!" she put on her 'teacher voice'.

"The ten white petals at the base are the foundation for the more colorful part. Just as the ten commandments are the foundation for the beauty of the Gospel. Radiating from the center are countless thin purple filaments arranged in a perfect circle - representing the crown of thorns.

The stamen is composed of five small ovals - the five wounds of Christ (two hands, two feet, his side). Finally, the pistil is actually three narrow triangles - the three nails."

Kind of reminds us of the words of David, "The whole earth tells of your glory!"

Hope you are finding the wonder of His love in your own "back yard" this week. Blessings!


  1. Well, not seeing His wonder in my backyard like you are! Up here in CT, I'm still waiting to see grass turn green, trees bud & leaves burst out. But one small, lone plant has flowered...the hyacinth...leading the way! Oh how I wish I could grow jasmine & gardenia outside up here! Oh! And the birds are now singing in the morning & early evening!

