Saturday, May 14, 2011


I have been “unplugged” from Embrace the Grace for over a week now and I have missed it terribly!

This past week end was full of wonderful activity and I kept thinking, “I’ll get to sit still and write tomorrow.”

Obviously, “tomorrow” didn’t afford any quiet either. Then Frank and I left Monday for the annual gathering of fellow ministers from across the state.

I got up very early Tuesday morning to post and discovered that the hotel only offered free internet in the lobby. (In room service - $20.00 per 24 hour period. No thanks!)

Staying focused long enough to write would be almost impossible for me in such a great expanse packed full of “people-watching” opportunities! So I decided to wait until I could get home.

That’s when I discovered that my dependable, always reliable blogger connection was: “temporarily unavailable”! What?! Really?! You’ve got to be kidding!

(Even now, I’m writing this as a Word document and hoping that I’ll successfully follow Becky’s instructions to get this online! Sigh. All I know is that someone must really need the thought at the conclusion of this post.)

Wonderful Activities? Did someone ask what wonderful activities? (Maybe not. But here’s a report anyway. Smile.)

On Thursday, our dear friends Steve, Becky and Sarah Smith arrived so that we could all start celebrating Nathan’s college graduation together. Such a special time! We partied and enjoyed the company for three days.

It would be improper to miss the opportunity to brag on Nathan just a wee bit here.

While working 30 hours a week; carrying 21 academic hours; faithfully attending church; and nurturing a blossoming relationship, Nathan Andrew Smith somehow managed to also graduate with honors! Can someone say, WOW?!

Of course, our celebrating was woven in around: wedding preparations, a three hour graduation, quick meals here and there, Smith family/Meagan bonding time, a couple of bad colds (Kristin and me), preparations for Mother’s Day, and packing for district council!

(Did I mention that some days it’s hard for me to find a free half hour? Smile.)

I hope to give a few specifics about our wonderful Graduation/Mother’s Day weekend later. But this morning I feel a bit compelled to share this thought.

During one of our services this past week, the speaker shared a powerful African proverb. “Keep the fire burning brightly. For as the fire lights the darkness and roars with dominance, it becomes impossible to hear the stalking lion and fear is driven away!”

What a challenge to us for every area of our lives.

If we feed the passion of our dreams and callings, they will grow and completely overshadow any pitiful “roaring” of the enemy. I like that thought!

Dr. Crandall Miller was a professor at SEU when Frank and I attended. He started every class with this statement, “What you feed grows and what you starve dies!”

Simplistic yet profound!

There are days that I “feed” the lion of fear and he quickly grows to gigantic proportions. But when I choose to “feed” faith instead (by prayer, reading, listening to good teaching) my faith grows and fear starves to death!

I guess some reader must struggle with these very thoughts today. Please know you aren’t alone. Feed the fire of Passion and Faith! Starve those fears. Let you God-dreams take the position of dominance!

Whew, I just preached a great sermon to myself! Smile.

Hope your week-end is blessed.


  1. Good to have you back, Sheri! Great post, as always!

  2. Hooray! You got it posted despite all the Blogger issues. Proud of you! (And I've sure enjoyed all my "new" shoes this week!)

  3. Great post! I loved the African proverb (and put it on my Facebook page). How often I've had to remind myself of God's love and truth to light my way in several cancer journeys. And, believe me, that light can illuminate even the darkest paths! Thank you for sharing.

    Sue G

