Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Team Concept

Have I mentioned that I absolutely LOVE being part of Garden Grove Church?!

Well, please allow me to mention it now.

We wrapped up the 2011 season of vacation Bible school last night and it was simply an amazing time. (I say "season" because we all know, VBS is much more than the five nights it takes place! Can I get an exhausted "Amen!" from some workers? Smile.)

This year, Kristin used the curriculum written by our very own Linda Schreck! Entitled "Mountain Movers," it focuses on the power of prayer. (Contact me if you'd like further information - little commercial there.)

Amanda wrote and directed original skits performed by our very own GGC Players. Ed, John and Frank created a mountain range that covered a third of the stage, floor to ceiling. Treama organized dinner for the workers each evening. The list goes on and on.

Crafters, floor helpers, snack prep-ers and dispensers, prayer partners, high-fivers, scripture teachers, offering takers! Well, you get the idea.

One worker came just to meet more people in the church family. What a great idea! (Can you tell I'm trying to encourage you to get involved in the summer program of your own church?!)

And if I were not related to her, I would rave endlessly about our amazingly talented children's pastor: Kristin Hawley. Let me simply paint this scene and I'll leave the conclusion-drawing to you.
  • Not only did Kristin recruit and organize a fabulous team.
  • Not only did she prepare a fresh program for each evening complete with games, songs, prizes, crafts, etc.
  • Not only did she greet new children, juggle emergencies and cheer workers.
  • She also delivered the nightly Bible lesson; holding scores of wiggly, giggly children totally captive! (Grown-ups as well.)
Yeah. Frank and I pretty much sat in the back praying for each service and expressing gratitude that this anointed young minister has chosen to share her talents with our congregation at this time.

Life rolls on so quickly and sometimes you wonder if all the effort matters.

But when we saw those little faces lighting up, heard their laughter, watched them responding......
The only appropriate answer is YES; it matters very much!

Even my graying head remembers my earliest VBS experience at the Presbyterian church down the street. Hopefully, we've created a few "lifetime" memories for many of these little ones as well. And maybe even a few lifetime choices to follow God!

I love being part of such big plans camouflaged as fun.

Happy Father's Day!!

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