Sunday, September 23, 2012


Do we get credit for the learning that we STUMBLE upon?!

I think we should!

Experts tell us that in order to stay mentally alert, we need to keep learning.  I'm fine with that.  But all this technology that I'm forced to deal with brings me to, what I consider, this totally relevant question:  Do we get credit for stumbling on information?

(I see all the educators in the audience shaking their heads with disbelief.  "She's 54 years old and still checking on extra credit?!"  Yes, it's true.  I was an overachiever in school!  And I had a zit on my temple last week.  So?) 

Actually, the dilemma involves both this blog and my phone.

My blog format has changed dramatically. It has me completely stumped. No one came on line to show me what to click and where to scroll the way Amanda did when she set me up.  It took me almost twenty minutes to figure out how to make a simple correction on my last post.  SIGH!

But I'm choosing to persevere!

And during vacation, my phone started acting up.  I don't know how to describe to you what it was doing exactly.

It created a three way call that I didn't request. When trying to find a number, the contacts list began rolling maniacally.  It called random people without my knowledge.  It frequently chose to mute itself in the middle of conversations.  This action left me yelling,  "I'm still here!  Please hold on!"  Pressing buttons.   Shaking the stupid thing.  Accosting strangers to beg for their help.  "Do you know how to un-mute this thing?!"

As soon as we got home, Frank took me directly to the phone store for a replacement.  I hate going to the phone store because I'm so far removed from any vestige of understanding.  As the sales person gives their pitch, I'm left to nod with the same glazed expression I had all during high school Geometry!

I nod.  Then I look at Frank.  Back at the sales person.  They recognize the lack of comprehension.  Look at Frank.  Finally asking me, "What color cover would you like, little girl?"  That's an exaggeration, of course. But only a slight one!

Reuben gave a brilliant sales pitch and convinced me (Frank) that it was time to upgrade to an I Phone.

Now, I may not understand when they talk about giggling bites, magnanimous pixies, blue teeth, why fly, otter locks and eye clouds.  But I DO understand that if I'm happy with an I Phone 4 and I Phone 5 will be coming out in just a few days, they will lower the price of 4!

(Have I mentioned that I'm FRUGAL?!)

I knew there would be MUCH to learn with such a dramatic transition.  But it also made sense. And besides, the learning would guarantee increased brain activity!  Right?

So, I limped along two more weeks with the sorely inadequate phone I had carried for almost three years.  And on Friday, after everyone else had clamored to purchase their very own I Phone 5, we swooped in to purchase a 4.

At Half Price!

And in case anyone is curious...........I chose a sparkly silver cover.  Just so you know.


  1. Sheri, you don't give yourself enough credit. You are a very articulate,intelligent, talented Daughter of the King! Techo savvy? You say no. I say you're never too old to learn! And, yes, I had that same glazed look throughout Geometry :) Good thing operating today's technical gadgets doesn't require Geometry!

  2. Sheri, you are a hoot! Loved your description of "otter locks and eye clouds, etc." Too funny!

