Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Do It - Today!

So this is what happens when a writer is rebuked for not writing!

And it was another writer shouting to me from his desk tucked away in Egypt during the late 1800's who got my attention.  "Beware of the tendency to ask the way when you know it perfectly well.  Take the initiative - stop hesitating - take the first step." Oswald Chambers

Who couldn't get moving after being called out in such a blatant way?  I laced up my tennis shoes for a quick walk as soon as the sun topped the horizon.  I made sure my bed was made and all clothes were on their appropriate hangars.

Finally, here I am at the first open moment writing a long overdue post.

Since last writing, we've traversed a lot of fast running waters: 
  • Cody and Kristin purchased and moved into their first little home.  
  • Madison (Meagan and Nathan's baby) spent four days in the hospital with a form of childhood pneumonia.  
  • I cooked for and hosted two lovely groups in our home.  
  • Frank and I made a quick trip to NC for the beautiful wedding of a niece. 
  • I continued to meet reps and research publishing opportunities. 
  • I've written sermons and preached three times.  
  • Made it through a bad case of hives and a stomach bug.  
  • Cheered with John and Joy who catered for almost 1000 people in a matter of three weeks. 
  • And topped off all that with our first church camp out!  (Yes, Doubters.  I slept in a tent.  But we did splurge by buying a great air mattress.) 
One of my more joyful experiences was the day I filled in for Joy by taking Spencer on his first field trip to the aquarium in Tampa.   Two teachers; lots of parents; siblings and a couple dozen K-5 students.  But for the most part, it was just Spencer and Noni strolling along; enjoying the fabulous sights and sounds of underwater life in FL.

I found out that there would be a penguin show about forty minutes after we were scheduled to leave.  Spencer has loved penguins since holding a stuffed one when he was about eighteen months old.  Well, what good is driving your own car to a field trip experience if not for ditching the schedule and waiting to see the penguins, right?! So wait we did.

It meant we were both extra tired by the time we headed back to my car.  We walked slowly, quietly hand in hand.
Spencer: "Noni, my feet hurt."
Noni:  "I know, Buddy.  Mine are tired too."
Spencer: "You shouldn't walk this far until your feet are bigger!"

Yes, that's going in my quote book.  I didn't write it that day and I should have.

But after the wake up call from Rev. Chambers this morning, I've determined not to let tired feet keep me from making the steps I need to make!  Doing the things I need to do.  Making the calls.  Sending the emails.  Writing the post.  Completing the chapter.

Action is important and there's no better time than the present!

Maybe this post will be an encouraging call for you, as well.  "Take the initiative....make a beginning.....instruct yourself in the way you must go." --Chambers  I feel pretty sure that others will benefit from our decisions to Do It - Today!



  1. You cooked two lovely groups? LOL Sounds like you've been very busy.

