Saturday, January 30, 2021


I've still been having difficulty with formating my paragraphs on this new set up.

Consequently, this is simply a test. (Not a test of the American Broadcast System, as we so often hear.) Rather a test to see if my blog site allows for the paragraph changes to I'm so attached. If they don't have breaks, I will be taking this down post haste!

Many things to share so please stay tuned.

I'll be back up and running as soon as possible.

One thing I've discovered as a blogger, I enjoy communicating with those of you who stop by. 

Consequently, the challenges must be overcome and a way must be found. Otherwise, the messages I want to share with you will be for me like the messages of the Old Testament prophet, like fire shut up in my bones. :-)

Here we go..... Changed my mind about deleating this. But I do have help coming to my aide.

Thanks for checking back.

Monday, January 18, 2021

A Single Word

(The format has changed - AGAIN! This time, I can't seem to figure out how to do paragraph breaks. So sorry! That's why I kept it short. Thanks for extending grace - AGAIN! Blessings!) I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to write words of encouragement on this platform. The fact that you stop by to check in from time to time is something I consider a true honor. So with that in mind, I want to offer a single word for your consideration today. It's this promise I came across a couple of weeks ago. "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who trust in Him." Nahum 1:7 Good one, don't you think? While looking a little deeper for the underlying meaning, I came across a couple of strong thoughts. 1. The writer inspired to pen this was named Nahum. His very name means "Comfort." 2. Another translation assures us that not only does our Father know us, He also cares for us. 3. Stronghold means "refuge" or "hiding place" for those days of trouble or serious difficulty. Aren't those great messages to ponder? I've gone back to this promise again and again during the past few days. While writing this post, I was reminded of a directive my daddy used to give when I was a little girl. "Sheri," he would sternly say. "I only intend to tell you ONE time. You need to obey right away on that single word." My dad was doing his best to train me and I now know he had my best interest in mind. But I'm always grateful that when my Heavenly Father gives a single word, it's usually one of tender comfort. He intends for me to go back and hear His word to me again and again. The Father gives a single word making it easier for us to cling to the message gleaning hope and courage. The circumstances in our world seem very unsteady, right now. But I know the One who spun everything into orbit is still watching over those who trust in Him. (That's you and I.) He is also tenderly stabilizing our hearts in the middle of the shaking. For this, I am grateful. Yes, I'll be rehearsing this promise more in the days to come. Although it was written a couple thousand years ago, it feels fresh and relavent to my grown up, little girl heart. I hope sharing it will encourage your heart, as well. Sometimes, all it takes is a single word. The right word can indeed carry us a long, long way. How about you? Is there a particular promise that's significant for you right now? Please flood the comment section with hope. Your promise may be just the word needed by another reader. Thank you, in advance!
